Strike 2012
Strike 2012
August 24, 2012 - Strike Vote -
Message to Members Regarding Candu Energy (SNC Lavalin) Final Offer
SPEA members have voted on the latest Candu Energy offer today. Below is the information provided to the members by the SPEA Executive. The question was "Do you agree with the SPEA Exec's recommendation to accept the proposed Collective Agreement Offer from Candu Energy Inc.?"
List of SPEA bargaining unit employees acting as Strike-Breakers aka SCABS
SPEA bargaining unit employees on strike are working towards a fair collective agreement. Below is a list of SPEA bargaining unit employees who have chosen to cross our picket line and act as strike-breakers or scabs.
Abillama, Christian
Anzit, Luigi Antonio
Coicea, Codrut
Fanous, Ihab
Harvey, Robert C
Khezri, Nima
Metzger, Donald
Nadeau, Eric
Perras, Jonathan
Solti, Gyorgy
Vidican, Razvan
Xu, Feng
Alim, Shahzad
Bordas Golan, Lucia Elena
Deadman, Jason
Georgiades, Vassilios
Ixanov, Radik
Korell, Norman DW
Monaco, Anca Gabriela
Niemeyer, Frederik
Popa, Mariana
Um, Ji Sang
Wang, Min
Yaniz, Minerva
Allen, Kevin William
Chung, Sung Hwan Steven
Duan, Xinjian
Gomez Carballo, Victor
Joulin, Thierry
Farhangi, Soroush
Moussalam, Julien
Pan, Li
Pourtangestani, Kathy
Mayer, Joseph
Wrona, Daria
Zadeh, Kaveh
Reasons for Crossing a Picket Line...
The top ten reasons for crossing a picket line.
10. I thought, since I voted against the strike, that decision didn’t apply to me.
9. I needed the money and couldn’t possibly support my family and sick mother on $50 per day
8. I’m exercising my right to free speech; I’m a “conscientious objector” to union tyranny.
7. I figured that, unless I stayed on the job, the entire nuclear industry would collapse
6. I have a medical condition that makes it impossible for me to picket
5. My personal deity told me I should cross the picket line (may also be “the voices” in the case of atheists)
4. I fell asleep while driving to work, realized that I’d accidentally crossed the picket line and decided to stay
3. I want to become a manager so I’m demonstrating my ability to delegate responsibility
2. To get to the other side…
And last but not least, the number one reason to cross the picket line (drum roll please):
1. My manager told me I’d be welcomed with open arms and I have low self-esteem
Important Strike Dates
July 24, 2012 - OPG Headquarters Picket Pictures
Below are some pictures from the OPG offices picket line 700 University Avenue in Toronto on July 24 2012.
August 29, 2012 - Strike Update -
SPEA members still locked out 5 days after accepting Candu Energy / SNC Lavalin offer
In spite of SPEA members approving the Candu offer on Friday, August 24, 2012 a large portion of the SPEA membership is left in the dark with regards to their start date. Members were given the choice to use their vacation to cover for their time until they get recalled, which is another form of lock out. In light of the several pleas by Candu Energy for SPEA members to cross the picket lines and scab, preventing members from returning to work and obliging them to take vacation is puzzling.
We will post an update on the website once we get additional information.
July 25, 2012 - Strike Flyer - Updated List of Scabs and the Concept of Solidarity
August 25, 2012 - Candu strike is leading to brain drain, union warns